2024-2025 Tuition
We understand that there are many parents who are looking to enroll their child in a preschool at different times throughout the week. So we have created many options for you to select from. Simply follow the steps below and design a schedule that's best for you and your family.
Select the amount of Hours
Select the amount of Days
Calculate your tuition Amount (price based monthly)
5 Full Days $999 | 5 Half Days $599
3 Full Days $699 | 3 Half Days $499
2 Full Days $499 | 2 Half Days $399
Factor in any Extras (if applicable)
Early Morning Drop off: (7:15-8:30am) $100 per month
Non-Potty Trained: $200 per month for 5 day program or $100 per month for 2 or 3 day program.
Extended Hours Rate: $60
* This applies to any student enrolled in the half day program and needs to stay a full day.
Extra Day Rate: $120
* This applies to any student enrolled in a 2 day or 3 day program and needs to attend an extra day.
Sibling Discount: 10% for the 1st sibling (Sibling discount always applies to the lesser amount)